Friday, 4 December 2015

Tiny Jolts

The reality of it hits me intensely some days.  It feels like blades in my stomach.  My heart seems to stop for slight moments, tiny jolts. The last few days have been hard..  I don't feel that the decision is wrong, it just feels awful.  The guilt and empathy for what my mom is going through is rivalling the relief of being safe from her contact.  All of that, and I still feel angry to top it all off, ugh.  What a mess of emotions.  I feel angry that even though she abused me, even though she isolated people away from me, even though she has shamed me my whole life whenever it pleased her, and even though it all had lasting effects on me that I am still now trying to sort through, I still feel like I am the one doing wrong by closing the door to any more of it.

I wish so much that she could stop being a destructive force in my life or that I could grow the ability to let it all roll off.  I have wished for the ability to let it roll off for so many years. Sometimes I succeed.  The problem is, I can let it roll off at first, and then it doesn't let up and eventually I just can't anymore.  If she doesn't get what she wants, she takes it up notch by notch until she has engaged a reaction and then continues even still until that reaction turns into awful fights between us.  She just can't let go of whatever she wants from me.  Not if I reason, beg, negotiate - nothing works.  It has gotten so twisted and sick sometimes, I just need it to stop. Not for a few months.  Not even for a year.  I think I need years before I could handle it with a thicker skin.  I need to begin healing and not keep ripping a scab off just as it begins to form..

I have begun to realize that all of the years that I wished for the ability to let it roll off was not the best wish.  It wasn't a co-worker who didn't like my outfit or a rude salesperson who was upsetting me.  It was a parent who abused their power.  A parent who bullied me and made me feel like I was not enough.  Who tried to shame me into being what she wanted.  An abusive cycle that continued into my adult years, the guilt, shame and punishment she bestows until we end up in total destruction.  I don't want to be someone who can let that kind of abuse be okay in my life.

The other side of her is beautiful.  A caring, wonderful woman who would do anything for anyone.  A proud mother who celebrates the things she loves about her kids.  It's why I never thought I was allowed to close the door on her, even though the abusive side of her didn't ever stop resurfacing long.  She is a good person.  She doesn't mean to be this way.  I have come to realize that someone who is abusive is not a bad person.  Nobody means to be an abuser.  They are people who have been deeply wounded themselves who are doing the best they can.  She always has said this to me.  I did the best I could.  I believe that.

Her best is still too hard to bear, at least for me.. which is heartbreaking.  For me and for her.  At this point I truly don't believe I can keep my mom in my life and protect my daughter from the dysfunction of that relationship.  I do hope that one day I can have my mom in my life and my family's life.  If one day, distance could create the boundary she seems capable of with with other people.  I want that so badly.

I understand why people worry that if they ever came forward about a family member abusing them, people won't believe them.  I feel exactly that way.  People see the caring wonderful person that they are and can't accept that there are other behaviour patterns that exist that they aren't seeing.  Maybe they know there are issues, but they think it’s limited to her depression.  They don't see the darkest side.  That side is a secret that is well guarded.  I'm so painfully aware of that and have always operated under the pressure of that secret.  I once tried to share some of it with a family member.  They no longer spend time around me.  They felt that they were betraying her or upsetting her by having a relationship with me independent of my mom.  The stuff I shared didn't result in support from them, it feels almost like it just made them feel uncomfortable to hear it and they don't want to be disloyal by supporting me.  It hurts that the only person in the extended family I have ever opened up to didn't stand by me.

A friend recently pointed out to me that for years I have told her that "when things are good, she's amazing".  She said I have talked like a battered wife for years.  I truly understand why abusive relationships go on for so many years.  The good times make you feel like you owe it to them to stick it out.  In cases where the pressure to keep them happy is enough, you feel like if you were to leave, they might kill themselves.  You don't think they will let you leave without more destruction than staying causes.  You know they struggle with mental health issues and that makes you feel insensitive to not be willing to just accept the abuse.  You know that some of the people you care about the most don't believe you have the right to leave.  That one is so hard for me.

I need to focus on what I do have.  I have such a strong little support network of people who do not accept my mom's behaviour as acceptable just because she is my mom.  People who are rallying around me to support me and encourage me that what I am doing is not wrong or crazy.  I am so grateful for this.  I am also grateful to have found a wonderful source of support and validation through an amazing woman's YouTube channel dealing with similar issues.  I don't think I could have handled this decision at all if it were not for hearing her experiences, warmth and complete understanding about the struggles of having a mother with issues like my moms and the difficult decision to not be in her life.  Hearing her story was the first time I ever realized that I am not the only one, and that I can hopefully find peace.


  1. I am 100% feeling this post. This is how I feel right now. Like a battered wife.

    1. It is a hard place to be, I hope you have good support around you. Hold tight to the moments you feel clarity about what you need to do to be happy and healthy and be patient with yourself in the moments you can't see it through the rest..

  2. I am 100% feeling this post. This is how I feel right now. Like a battered wife.

  3. Hello, I love your blog. I just found it today. My mom has BPD. She lives really far away from me but ironically my relative moved nearby me for a reason completely unrelated to me and my mom came to visit her this week. I chose not to see her and I haven't seen her for almost 4 years.. She's very angry at me and so are some of my family members because they believe that she is the victim of me. I am working on reminding myself that "I am not who they say I am." They do not know my side of the story. They do not know the truth. It is still really sad though. I never knew that setting a boundary with her 3.5 years ago would cause so many problems. The reason I know for sure I made the right decision is that in the last 3.5 years I went from having the emotional maturity of an 18 year old to the emotional maturity of my age of 33. The fruits of the separation are undeniable but the pain of the separation is still difficult. Thank you for sharing your story openly. It is nice to know that I am not alone in my struggle with deciding not to have contact with my mom until she chooses to communicate with me in a respectful way. The sad part is that in 3.5 years she hasn't made any progress:(

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words and for reading. I hadn't been on my blog site for awhile and it was really nice to log in and see your comment. It has been a tough day and your comment is so fitting. I am also dealing with family members who feel that my mom is my victim, just as you described in your family. I love this: "The fruits of separation are undeniable but the pain of the separation is still difficult".

  4. I too used to wish that I was strong enough to handle her mistreatment without being so affected by it but I have started to realize that I am strong and even as I grow stronger it doesn't mean that it is healthy for me to let her back in my life once I am strong enough. We are humans with emotions with feelings and to think that if we were just strong enough to not be affected by abuse is not reality, unless we develop hardened hearts that don't feel. We will be affected even if we aren't as deeply affected, even if our recovery time dramatically shortens. What is the point of being in a toxic relationship? How would I be helping my mom by allowing her to continue shaming, manipulating, and controlling me? That isn't good for her either. These are the thoughts that have been rolling around in my head. I think about it because it really bothers me when people say that one day when I get stronger I will be able to tolerate her or not be affected by her. It is taking a lot of work to get stronger so why would I put myself back in her line of fire to be weakened?

    1. HopeTrustPeace, I agree wholeheartedly. The idea of heading back into an abusive relationship thinking, now I'm strong enough to 'take it' is not a healthy move. When I first went no contact, I kept wanting to re-open the door, it was so foreign to me to not give in. A close friend told me it was like hearing me say that I want to head back into a burning building. I could see how hard it was for her to see me consider going back again after she watched me suffer for years and finally have gotten away. I am grateful to have a few very supportive people who could see it for what it was before I could and then help me stay the course.

      There are also people in my life who believe I just need to learn how to handle my mom and fault me for not being able to accept her 'flaws'. Just tonight, I told a family member that it wasn't my fault that my mom abused me. It wasn't because I didn't do or say the right things. It wasn't because I didn't roll with the punches enough or let things roll off my back. She would have abused me no matter what I did. And no matter what I do in the future, she will continue to repeat the abuse if I allow her in my life.

      Thanks for reading and for your comment. It's always comforting to know that there are others out there going through this stuff. How long have you been no contact with your mom?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
