Thursday, 3 November 2016

Today it Feels Easier

I don't know if it's just the decision to stay, I know that has a lot to do with it.  But I think it's also comfort in the coming winter, a later bedtime for Ivy, making the days more do-able and the wake-ups not so painfully early.  It's knowing we get to work on our finances and get stronger.  It's a strong resolve to not eat out so much, save money, be in a position where we have more options.  It's hope that I can get some peace from my parents, that I can find a way to have them stop contacting me until I can build the strength to gate keep a limited relationship between them and us.  I love that moving is still possible down the road.  That we can give ourselves time to get our life into a less complicated place to move from if we do decide to go that route.  That we don't have to sort it all out right now.

And I love that we get to feel rooted somewhere again.  I feel so relieved.


  1. Dear friend,
    I stumbled upon your YouTube channel and I am overwhelmed. Our lives are so parallel.I never thought I would find someone who understood. You were able to put my feeling into words and you cannot know how much that means to me. ( Or maybe you can:). I'd really love to get in contact with you more and talk about our similar experiences. Please reach out to me anytime. Big big hugs from WI. -Michelle

    1. Michelle, thank you so much for your comment! You brought tears to my eyes expressing how much you understand. I'm so sorry that you are living through something similar, but I am glad that we can connect. Please feel free to get in touch with me anytime. I don't sign into this account daily, so if I don't get back to you right away, please know that I will as soon as I see your message. Take care, talk soon :)
